Tuesday, 29 October 2019

The Great Benefits of Kundalini Yoga

Kundalini yoga teacher training India is truly for someone who is attracted towards tantras and tantric traditions. Kundalini yoga is all about the expansion of your mind so that you can engage your senses even in the absence of the physical objects. We all know that are senses are engaged in the presence of physical objects. For example, when you eat something cold, your tongue and mouth feel the cold. When you touch something, you can feel the touch. When you see a flower, you can appreciate its beauty. However, in the absence of the physical objects, our senses are not engaged and we do not feel anything. Kundalini yoga is all about expanding our minds so that we can engage our senses even in the absence of the objects. For example, you can train your mind to visualize a particular scenario even when it is not happening in front of you or has not happened in the past.

                                                learn kundalini yoga in india
The Benefits

Very few people know the importance of visualization in achieving the things they want. If you can see something you will be able to achieve it. There are many books in the market which tell you about the same thing. However, they do not really tell you how to accomplish this feat. With Kundalini yoga you can train your mind to visualize the things you really want.

Kundalini yoga also helps in balancing your mind and body. When your mind and body are in a
perfect balance, you feel healthier and more effective.

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